
There is so much to love about December. The winter solstice, holidays, and the opportunity to spend time with family and friends. The wonder of the season also extends to those with December birthdays, as it possesses three fascinating birthstones: Tanzanite, turquoise, and blue zircon.
Renowned for their alluring shades of blue, these birthstones make excellent gifts, no matter who you’re shopping for this holiday season. You can also consult a local jewelry store to custom design a piece with the birthstones of your children or siblings that the recipient is sure to cherish forever.
December Birthstones
Tanzanite Birthstone
Tanzanite is a relatively new gemstone that is composed of the mineral zoisite. According to the American Gem Trade Association, tanzanite was not discovered until after a wildfire engulfed Tanzania’s Merelani Hills at the base of Mount Kilimanjaro in 1967. The gem has since been treasured for its mesmerizing blue to vibrant purple color.
With a hardness rating of six to seven on the Mohs Hardness Scale, tanzanite is ideal for a variety of jewelry pieces, including earrings and necklaces. Aside from being one of three December gemstones, tanzanite makes a spectacular 24th wedding anniversary present, as well as a stunning holiday gift that the receiver will love.
Turquoise Birthstone
Regarded as a love charm, according to The Old Farmer’s Almanac, turquoise is a luxe gemstone that ranges in shades of blue to green. The gem may also exhibit other colors/hues, such as gray or black, which lends to the stone’s unique look. Its color is frequently characterized as “Robin’s Egg” or “Sky Blue.”
According to the Gemological Institute of America (GIA), the most intense blue turquoise production comes from Kingman, Arizona. Turquoise has a Mohs hardness of five to six and can be custom designed in your choice of jewelry type. The birthstone can be set as either a center or accent stone. The latter is shown above.
Blue Zircon Birthstone
While zircons are available in a rainbow of colors, blue zircons are undoubtedly the most popular, especially as a December birthstone. According to GIA, “gem dealer reports indicate that at least 80 percent of zircons sold are blue.” Blue zircons can even be found as antiques originating from the Victorian era.
The December birthstone has a Mohs hardness of six to seven and a half and can be set in various jewelry pieces, like rings and bracelets. As with tanzanite and turquoise, blue zircon makes an excellent holiday gift, even if the recipient isn’t celebrating a birthday in December.
Visit a Jewelry Store in Scottsdale
Cornelis Hollander has been in the business of making memories for more than 30 years. Our award-winning designer jewelry is flawlessly engineered with bold, beautiful, and sharp lines that either you or the lucky recipient is sure to treasure forever. All designs are crafted in our jewelry store located in Scottsdale. #shoplocal!
Cornelis Hollander is proud to offer custom designs. Often, customers bring their exceptional gemstones or heirloom jewelry in, requesting a more modern designer look. We are happy to consult with our clients to create their dream piece in our Scottsdale jewelry store. December birthstones can be set in a variety of jewelry types for every budget.
Create something uniquely special by scheduling an appointment to speak with a Cornelis Hollander Jewelry Designer at (480) 423-5000 or design@cornelishollander.com. You can also visit us Monday through Friday, from 10:00 am to 5:30 pm and on Saturdays, from 10:00 am to 4:30 pm. We are closed on Sundays.
4151 N. Marshall Way
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
“Birthstones: December Birthstones.” Gemological Institute of America (GIA). gia.edu/birthstones/december-birthstones.
Boeckmann, Catherine. “Birthstones by Month: Colors and Meanings.” The Old Farmer’s Almanac, 26 March 2019, almanac.com/content/birthstones-and-their-meanings.
“Tanzanite: December Birthstone.” American Gem Trade Association (AGTA). agta.org/education/gemstones/tanzanite/.
Click here to read part one of our jewelry gift ideas series and stay tuned for part three; how to clean your custom jewelry.